Category Archives: Numerical Modeling

Mantle Processes

***Under Construction***

Mantle Background

Properties of the Mantle

Key properties of the mantle are summarized in the table below. These properties respond to driving forces on the mantle and control its overall behavior.

mantle properties 2

*Figure of seismic profile:


Methods of Studying the Mantle


Describing Mantle Convection with Math

mantle convection

*figure from

What conditions, forces, factors control mantle convection? Convection occurs in predictable ways, so we can describe it with mathematics. Breaking down the math that has been developed helps us understand what factors are important to mantle convection; we shall see that flow is primarily driven by temperature (density) anomalies.

The Navier-Stokes equation describes flow; it does not necessarily need to be convective flow. The full form is: Navier-Stokes full 2

Where (for the magma parcel under consideration)

𝜌 = density

v = velocity

t = time

g = acceleration due to gravity

p = pressure

µ = viscosity

What each of the parts of the equation mean:

  • 𝜌(dv/dt): From our basic F = ma, mass is in the density term and is acceleration.
  • g: Again, density and acceleration, but the is the difference in density between the parcel and its surroundings. The acceleration term is due to gravity, so if the parcel is more dense than its surroundings, it will sink and vice versa.
  • p: A pressure gradient, for use in cases, for example, in ground water flow where variation in water table height sets up a pressure gradient so that water flows from high to low head.
  • µ ∇2v: A packets’ velocity is resisted by viscosity and the higher the velocity, the greater this drag force.


(Density)(acceleration) = (density)(acceleration from gravity) + (external pressure) + (drag)

Typically the pressure term is negligible or nonexistent, so we can simplify to:

Navier-Stokes short 2

Hence, the key parameters are

  • the difference in densities between the parcel and surroundings
    • Driven by gravity
    • Resisted by viscosity (increasingly with greater velocity)

We can also describe mantle convection with the Rayleigh numberRayleigh 2



g = acceleration due to gravity

ρ = density

ΔT = the temperature difference between the bottom and top of the convection cell

α = the volume coefficient of thermal expansion

d = the height of the convection cell

μ = viscosity

κ = thermal diffusivity

There is a critical Rayleigh number that depends on the size of the convection cell and some constants where:

Ra  <  Racr             convection will decay

Ra  >  Racr             convection will grow

So the most key factors for maintaining convection are

  • temperature differences between the base and top of the convection cell
  • size of the convection cell

In short, temperature differences lead to density differences which move, driven by gravity and resisted by viscosity.

Since convection in the mantle is mainly dependent on temperature and mantle flow is dependent on density and viscosity which are inversely proportional to temperature, it is also important that we describe how heat evolves through time with this heat equation:

Heat 2 where

T = temperature

t = time

κ = thermal diffusivity

x = space

v = velocity

A = a term which encompasses the production of heat, in the case of the earth from radioactive decay

In the mantle, the production term is small compared to the crust which contains more radioactive elements. Advection comes from convection of the mantle and is the primary way heat is transferred in the mantle, though conduction still occurs and is particularly useful to consider in the case of a cool down-going slab as it conductively warms during its descent.

Recent Literature on the Mantle

What is the mantle doing? How does it interact with the other parts of the earth – the lower and upper crust and the surface? We review for you here some of the recent literature that addresses these questions.


Background for the tectonic systems studied


  • A mosaic of micro plates between the Nubian (African) and Eurasian plates move and deform independently of overall plate convergence.
  • N-S convergence of Nubai and Eurasia plate (.5-1cm/y).
  • Extension in the Western Med. And Tyrrian Sea (2-3cm/y to 10cm/y)
  • What was once a clean subduction zone is now broken up into a complex system of tectonic boundaries.

Faccenna 2013 a

From Faccenna et al. 2013. Orange arrow shows general direction of both mantle flow and surficial plate motion. “Red indicates active volcanic fields (undistinguished); blue indicates deep basins; red lines indicate active subduction zone; black lines indicate collisional thrust system; yellowish background area indicate regions under influence of Afar plume”

Jolivet 2009 a2 Figure from Jolivet et al. (2009) demonstrating the complicated tectonics of the Mediterranean with various microplates.



Location and basic tectonics:

Himalaya a

*Figure from

Simplified cross section of Himalayan tectonics:

Keary 2009 2


*Figure from Keary et al. 2009


A map of Alaskan earthquakes demonstrating the Pacific Plate subducting below the North American Plate

Alaska Earthquakes

*Figure from

 3D depiction of the complex shape of the Pacific Plate subducting near and to the east of Anchorage. North to the right.

Jadamec a2

*Figure from Jadamec & Billen 2010


The Literature

The following sections summarize some of the current research that supports the hypothesis that mantle flow interacts with the crust and is expressed in surface plate motion, geology and topography.

    • Subducting slabs are the major control on convection. Large scale convection is driven by lower mantle anomalies and hot upper mantle anomalies finer tune mantle convection and therefore plate kinematics. This is the conclusion of Faccena et al. (2013) from their model of the Mediterranean which is density (temperature) driven; models best matched observed plate kinematics when they incorporated both large and small convection cells.

Faccenna 2013 b

*Figure from Faccena et al. (2013) demonstrating correlation between their model results of plate motion (white arrows) and measured geodesy (orange arrows). Background color is dynamic topography estimates from their model.

Faccenna 2010 a2

*Figure from Faccenna and Becker 2010

    • The mantle and crust are well coupled, flowing in the same direction. Jolivet et al. 2009 found a correlation between mantle anisotropy, fabric of metamorphic core complexes and current direction of plate flow as determined by geodesy. They recognize that while mantle and crust are flowing in the same direction, the mantle could be flowing faster than the crust. Also, they note some decoupling between the lower and upper crust by shear zones at the frictional-to-viscous transition due to the differing patterns of deformation in the lower and upper crust.

Jolivet 2009 b2

Figures from Jolivet et al. (2009). A map showing measured strike of stretching lineation in the metamorphic core complexes which correlates well with the direction of mantle flow.


    • There is some degree of decoupling at a slab. Jadamec & Billen 2010 model the Alaska subduction and find that in the vicinity of a subducting slab, the mantle flow is complex and can be ten times faster than surface plate motion, hence some decoupling between the two. They explain this as a result of non-Newtonian viscosity in which the mantle becomes easier to deform as strain increases.

Jadamec b2

*Figure from Jadamec & Billen 2010 demonstrating the complex mantle flow around a slab.


    • Slab and mantle dynamics affect surface deformation. Tibet switched from thickening to normal faulting and thinning around 13.5 Ma; this change in deformation style is proposed by Hatzfeld and Molnar (2010) among others to be initiated by slab breakoff below Tibet around that time, causing a change in mantle flow and thus deformation of the crust. This attests to both control of the subducting slab on mantle flow and coupling between the behavior of the mantle and crust.

Himalaya b2

 *Figure from Guillot et al (2003). Even though there is still convergence in the Himalaya, there has more recently been normal faulting.


    • Dynamic topography is that which is due to flow in the mantle as opposed to that which is due to isostasy.  Dynamic topography helps explain transient topography (millions to tens of millions of years) and must be taken into account when developing past sea levels. See Flament et al. (2013) for a good recent review.

Flament a2

 *figure from Flament et al. (2013). Models of dynamic topography for the present (left) and 100Ma (right). The dynamic topography of North America has evolved much in part with the behavior of the Farallon slab which subducted under western North America.

Summary Statement

  • Subducting slabs are a major control on convection.
  • Overall, the mantle and crust are well coupled.
  • Slab and mantle dynamics affect surface deformation.

Limitations on mantle knowledge

How well do we really know what is going on in the mantle? These papers note that we have limits on what we know about the mantle.

  • Matching fabrics in the crust and mantle are often attributed to coupling between mantle and crust, fabric development in the crust driven from below. Jolivet et al. (2009) recognize that the same pattern could be driven from the top down by topography.
  • Jolivet et al. (2009) conclude that mantle fabrics could be reset in as little as 5-8 Myr in particular settings such as a warm backarc basin. When we compare crustal and mantle fabrics to discuss coupling, we need to consider if both fabrics are of comparable age or if one (especially the crust) could be preserving fabric from a past tectonic regime.
  • Seismic data provides much of what we know about the mantle. Jolivet et al. (2009) recognize the that when interpreting shear wave splitting (see Methods, this webpage), we assume that the majority of anisotropy is due to olivine in the mantle rather than the crust. Also they mention that this method has poor vertical resolution (~300km), making it difficult to determine whether the anisotropy resides in the lithosphere or asthenosphere.



Mantle Model

***Under Construction***




  • Camp, V. E. (2013) Origin of Columbia River Basalt: Passive rise of shallow mantle, or active upwelling of a deep-mantle plume? The Geological Society of America Special Paper 497.
  • Faccena, C., Becker, T. W., Jolivet, L. and Keskin, M. (2013) Mantle convection in the Middle East: Reconciling Afar upwelling, Arabia indentation and Aegean trench rollback. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. v. 375; p. 254-269.
  • Faccenna, C. and Becker, T. W. (2010) Shaping mobile belts by small-scale convection. Nature. v. 465; doi:10.1038/nature09064.
  • Flament, N., Gurnis, M., and Müller, R. D. (2013). A review of observations and models of dynamic topography. Lithosphere. v. 5, no. 2; p. 189-210.
  • Hatzfeld, D., and Molnar, P. (2010) Comparisons of the Kinematic and Deep structures of the Zagros and Himalaya and of the Iranian and Tibetan Plateaus and geodynamic implications. Reviews of Geophysics. v. 48; RG2005, doi:10.1029/2009RG000304
  • Herzberg, C. (2011) Basalts as temperature probes of Earth’s Mantle. Geology. v. 39, no. 12; p. 1179-1180.
  • Jolivet, L., Faccenna, C. and Piromallo, C. (2009) From mantle to crust: Stretching the Mediterranean. Earth and Planetary Science Letters. v. 285; p. 198-209.
  • Jadamec, M. A. and Billen, M. I. (2010) Reconciling surface plate motions with rapid three-dimensional mantle flow around a slab edge. Nature. v. 465; doi:10.1038/nature09053.
  • Keary, P., Klepeis, K. A., and Vine, F. J.  (2009) Global Tectonics, 3rd ed. Wiley-Blackwell. West Sussex, UK.


Testing The Si- Earth Hypothesis in COMSOL


-COMSOL is a powerful tool that allows us to test certain physical parameters in a controlled environment. COMSOL is perfect for tweaking a specific variable (like viscosity or density) and seeing how that change effects the system.

-However, one must always keep in mind that any computer model today is not a perfect clone of the real-earth scenario. Many variables (like unconformities within the mantle, or accurate temperature gradients throughout the mantle) are very difficult or impossible to reproduce within the limitations of COMSOL.

Using COMSOL to study mantle/crustal interactions

We have used COMSOL to test under what conditions the SI -Earth hypothesis remains true. If the SI hypothesis is a realistic explanation we should be able to see a direct interaction between Mantle forces and the lower crustal boundary, resulting in a topographical change on the surface.

Once we have shown that, we will  test various realistic conditions to see if/when the SI- Earth hypothesis fails. In other words can we create a realistic scenario where there is no interaction between the mantle and the crust.

Parameters constant in all models unless otherwise specified


Crust: 2700 kg/m^3                                                                                                                 Upper Mantle: 3200 kg/m^3                                                                                             Lithosphere: 3300 kg/m^3                                                                                         Oceanic crust: 3000 kg/m^3


Mantle: 1e^21 Pa*s                                                                                                                  Lithosphere: 1e^22 Pa*s

Angle of Subduction: 30deg

Thermal Conductivity: k = 3 W/m*K

-A standard subduction model

Here is a basic subduction model run in COMSOL. Note how the crust thickens above the subducting slab, and how the crust thins in the areas around it. Also note right underneath the lithosphere  we see a change in Y strain, driven by mantle convection, supporting the hypothesis that mantle processes (in this case the convection cell driven by the subducting slab) have a direct effect on the crustal layers.

So if this is true we should see a change in topography as

Here is a plot of the surface topography as the slab is subducting. Even in this very simple model we can see how a subducting slab can create a positive increase in topography.

Changing the Density

How does the system behave if the density of the subducting lithosphere is altered?

In this model the density of the subducting lithoshpere has been changed to 3225 kg/m^3, so only slightly more dense than the surrounding mantle material. As you can see the system nearly grinds to a halt.  Density is clearly the primary driving force in this system, and without a density difference convection is


As you can see the topographic change in this model is minimal compared to the standard.

Looking at different mantle senarios

Of course not every real earth subduction zone is structured like the previous models. For example there is evidence of ‘free floating’ slabs underneath the Mediterranean. In other words, sinking lithosphere that has broken off of from the subducting slab. Would a scenario like this still have an effect on surface topography?super small window uy strain


We can see that the ‘free floating’ slab creates its own unique Y strain on the lithosphere. But it is not easy to see so let us take this to the extreme.

smaller slab zoon

max elevation small floating slab


Here we can see that a standard subduction zone is not required to create topographic changes. Additional models support the conclusion that a slab of any realistic size and shape can drive a mantle convection cell, which in turn effects the lithosphere creating topographical changes.



While COMSOL is not a perfect representation of a real-earth subduction zone it does allow us to make a number of important conclusion in terms of the SI Earth hypothesis.

-Density differences between the subducting object and the surrounding mantle material is the primary driving force behind mantle convection.

-This mantle convection creates a direct force (as shown as Y- direction strain in COMSOL) upon the lithosphere and crustal layers.

-This force is translated into topographic change on the surface (ie. mountain building)

-While changing specific variables (like density, viscosity, subduction angle, slab shape) can have an effect on the magnitude or rate of topographic change, it is very difficult to create a scenario, with a subducting object of any sort, to not have a resulting effect on topography.

-In conclusion COMSOL models support the overall SI earth hypothesis. It also supports that the SI Earth hypothesis is a very robust explanation of mantle/ crustal interactions and can be used to explain and model many real earth scenarios.

Lower Crustal Processes

Introduction to Concepts Related to the Lower Crust

In order to discuss the lower crust it is important to understand Newtons Law of Viscosity.  Since, most Earth materials behave like fluids, changes in viscosity are an important part of understanding the strength of the Earth.  Furthermore,  rock strength (rheology) is coupled with temperature.  This means that there is a thermal to viscous coupling throughout the layers of the Earth.  Because temperature distributions vary around the Earth, rock strength does as well.  This means that the strength of the lower crust is different in different tectonic settings.  Please watch the two videos below for A.) an introduction to Newtons Law of Viscosity and B.) an discussion of how food models can be used to describe the strength profile of the Earth.

Introduction to Viscosity

Food Models and Lower Crustal Strength

This video references (Burgmann and Dresen., 2008, Rheology of the Lower Crust and Upper Mantle: Evidence from Rock Mechanics, Geodesy, and Field Observations, Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. ) This paper is a fantastic resource for delving deeper into understanding what we know about the strength of both the mantle and the lower crust and how we know what we know.

Tectonic Regions and the Lower Crust

Lower Crustal Processes in the Mediterranean 

This image from the Iris Webinar linked below shows the complex dynamics in the Mediterranean and the upwelling and downward motion of material in the mantle.  In regions of upwelling the fingerprint of the mantle is seen as regions of high topography that are plateau like.  The lower crustal strength here is weak enough that it transmits the mantle emotion to the surface and it can be seen in the topography.
This image from the Iris Webinar linked below shows the complex dynamics in the Mediterranean and the upwelling and downward motion of material in the mantle. In regions of upwelling the fingerprint of the mantle is seen as regions of high topography that are plateau like. The lower crustal strength here is weak enough that it transmits the mantle emotion to the surface and it can be seen in the topography.

The complex dyanmics of the Mediterranean are discussed at length in the Mantle Processes post.  The Mediterranean is a tectonically complex region with a series of crustal fragments (microplates) that lead to small scale convection in the mantle.  The lower crust in this region is weak enough that the signal of the small scale convection which is visible at the surface in both gps measurements and the topography that forms.  Although it does not explicitly discuss the role of the lower crust in this region the Iris Webinar below provides a great discussion of the Mediterranean which supplements resources listen above for this region in the mantle post. Additional material on this subject can be found in this paper; Biryol, C.B., Beck, S. L., Zandt, G. and Özacar, A. A. (2011), Segmented African lithosphere beneath the Anatolian region inferred from teleseismic P-wave tomography. Geophysical Journal International, 184: 1037–1057. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-246X.2010.04910.x

Lower Crustal Processes in the Himalaya

The fingerprint of the mantle processes occurring beneath the India and Eurasia collision can be observed at the surface in this region of the world.  The mantle kinematics that can be observed are discusses at length in the Mantle Processes post.  However, it is also important to mention the role of the lower crust in transmitting these kinematics to the surface.

This figure shows the location of the Himalaya.  It also shows the type of high topography that can be created in this sort of collisional setting.  Furthermore a simple cross-section of the region from Jessup, 2013 is shown.  This cross section shows how faults observed at the surface are translated into the weak lower crust.
This figure shows the location of the Himalaya. It also shows the type of high topography that can be created in this sort of collisional setting. Furthermore a simple cross-section of the region from Jessup, 2013 is shown. This cross section shows how faults observed at the surface are translated into the weak lower crust.

Mantle kinematics are measurable at the surface in some areas of the Himalaya as explained above.  This means that the lower crust is weak enough to transmit strain from the mantle but not to weak to decouple from the surface.  However, the lower crust beneath the Tibetan plateau may be on the verge of being hot enough to decouple from the surface.

Numerical Model of a Convergent Boundary including a Lower Crust

As a part of this project a numerical model was run in an 3D numerical modeling software called Comsol Multiphysics  to investigate the role of the lower crust in a numerical simulation or orogensis.  In the images below A 4-layer model of a convergent boundary is modeled. This model is a modified version of a model created by UMaine PhD student Sam Roy (Details about this model can be viewed here Subduction zone kinematics in the mantle and at the Earth’s surface).  All fluids in the model are Newtonian and there is no thermal component. The upper crust is simulated by defining it as the least viscous layer of the model. Results show that the addition of a lower crust has an impact on the topography of the developing orogen. Variations in shear zone shape and viscosity changes the shape of the resulting topography. Results for similar models with no lower crust included and other variations in geometry are described above in the mantle section.  Please contact for additional information or results concerning this model.

Model Set-Up

Comsol Model Set-Up
The Set up of the Comsol model is shown above.

Model Results

Velocity for Lower Crust
The image above shows the velocity profile for this model with a lower crust.


This image shows the evolution of the Lower crust as the model converges.  Notice the bump of lower crustal material that is pushed up towards the surface.  This effects the topographic profile as well.  If you toggle back to the mantle post you can observe the topographic difference as well as differences in velocity and strain from the inclusion of a lower crust.
This image shows the evolution of the Lower crust as the model converges. Notice the bump of lower crustal material that is pushed up towards the surface. This effects the topographic profile as well. If you toggle back to the mantle post you can observe the topographic difference as well as differences in velocity and strain from the inclusion of a lower crust.
This gif shows the topographic profile developed during subduction.  The developing topography is difficult to observe in the other plots because of the size (in Km) of the model.
This gif shows the topographic profile developed during subduction. The developing topography is difficult to observe in the other plots because of the size (in Km) of the model.
This gif shows a zoom out of the entire model.  Strain in the y direction is plotted.  Far field strain is minimal compared to the high strain rates reaches along the subduction slab.
This gif shows a zoom out of the entire model. Strain in the y direction is plotted. Far field strain is minimal compared to the high strain rates reaches along the subduction slab.